When choosing Chinese products, it often happens that the same product is presented by several sellers at different prices. There are millions of individual sellers that sell many same or similar products.Therefore, we get a question whom to buy goods from.Do not immediately choose the cheapest product. As a rule, new sellers with few sales and without experienced seller authority offer identical products with a lower price.You need to pay attention to the following characteristics of the seller when choosing products:— Rating. It depends on successful sales by a Chinese seller. The higher the seller’s rating, the lower the risk to get problems with goods quality and their receipt.— Positive reviews. This indicator is calculated from the number of positive reviews of Chinese buyers who have already purchased goods from this seller.— Other indicators: how many years the seller has been working in the market, delivery, return and overall customer ratings. All these indicators also characterize seller’s work. The higher these indicators, the more reliable he is.— Goods description and characteristics. Typically, experienced and trusted sellers post a lot of product photos showing it from different angles. They also detail all product characteristics. The more detailed information they provide, the better.Of course, our online store will check goods when they arrive at the warehouse. But we do check goods for compliance with the order and defects. Quality assessment is carried out only by the buyer. Be careful when choosing products!
15.02.2025Purchase process can be difficult for those who first select and order Chinese goods in an online store. It is often a lottery. The main difficulties arise with choosing the right size. It is almost impossible to tell from the picture how much the product matches its actual size. Therefore, knowledge of Chinese sizes and their conversions can facilitate the process of choosing the right product.The following Chinese conversions for clothing sizes are:ChineseOther country尺码size肩宽shoulder width袖长sleeve length胸围chest girth腰围belt girth臀围/臀围(坐围)hip girth衣长dress length大腿围girth of one hip (leg girth in the widest place)前档size along the fly裤脚宽trousers width裤长trousers length身高height前裆Rise from seams between legs to waist (step seam)裤ロ(裤脚)circumference below trouser leg平铺unstretched拉伸stretched袖围sleeve circumference腿ロhalf girth at the bottom of the trouser leg跟尚heel height筒围shaft circumference筒长shaft length高度height长度length宽度width脚长foot length脚宽foot fullness英国US欧洲EUR厘米cm中国,毫米mm With these hieroglyphics, you can easily read size conversion charts the seller provides. But remember, there is no common standard for converting Chinese sizes into international sizes. Therefore, you can always contact our specialists if there are difficulties in determining the size.
13.02.2025Asian countries celebrate New Year differently from other countries. They live according to the Eastern calendar. The main holiday of the year comes on the second new moon after the winter solstice. Therefore, Chinese New Year always comes after ours between January, 21 and February, 20.The holiday’s history goes back more than 4,000 years. This is one of the most favorite holidays among the Chinese. They call it Spring Festival and usually spend it with their families.The Chinese celebrate New Year on a grand scale and have not changed their traditions for many years. The Chinese are gathering for celebration from all over the world. Festivals are very bright and colorful, accompanied by a large number of fireworks. Various costumed performances with dolls dragons and other various animals participation are played on the streets. Everything ends with the Lantern Festival, especially beloved by the Chinese.Numerous paper lanterns are simultaneously launched into the sky on this day.In connection with such an important event, Chinese workers will rest for one to two weeks. This means for us delays in orders processing, goods purchase and their delivery to other countries. Usually we warn buyers in advance about this event and possible delays. But if you still made an order during Chinese New Year, then do not worry - your order will be completed, but processing and delivery time will slightly increase.
11.02.2025The variety of Chinese products is amazing. Eyes run out and you want buy a lot of different goods at once. But Chinese goodes attract not only by assortment, but also by their low prices. This is a well-known fact.We selected a list of the most popular categories of Chinese products that are profitable to buy.Clothing and footwear. This is one of the most popular categories to buy, especially for females. And there is a great choice of goods on Chinese marketplaces: jackets, dresses, t-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans and much more. And you can also find exclusive things that you can’t buy in your country. It is especially beneficial to order outerwear. Prices for it are many times cheaper than in ordinary stores. And you can save a lot of money. Just make your order in time to be ready for season.Bags. They’re also in the top. Prices are much cheaper than in ordinary stores. And even the most cranky woman can find the bag she likes!Mobile phones. They also have very attractive prices. Moreover, Chinese phones functionality are in no way inferior to the popular brand technology, and in some ways even surpass them. Modern technologies are evolving rapidly and new and improved models are emerging very frequently. Fans of technical innovations will enjoy buying mobile phones from China. Accessories for mobile phones. Since mobile phones are bought from China, it’s logical to take accessories for them: covers, protective films, glasses and much more. And they’re worth nothing. They are sold with a big mark-up in ordinary stores and you can buy such things 3-5 times more expensive than ordering in China.Goods for tourism and recreation. There has been a growing popularity and demand for products in this category in recent years. Moreover, this sector is characterized by relatively high prices. You’d better order from China if you want to save money. You can always find products of good quality at an acceptable price.We mentioned only a few popular categories of goods here. The list can be enlarged. In general, you can order any item of good quality at a very good price from China if you search carefully.
09.02.2025Taobao is one of the largest and most popular Chinese online stores. It offers over 8 million products for every taste. You can find absolutely any product from a variety of clothes to rare collectable goods. And the main plus of Taobao is low prices for goods. It makes the online store even more attractive to customers.Tmall is part of Taobao and also has hundreds of Chinese sellers and stores. But buyers deal only with the best and most trusted sellers here, as well as with well-known brands.This is the main difference between Tmall and Taobao. So, goods can be sold by any people on Taobao, but Tmall site includes only checked sellers, corresponding to certain parameters — customers` feedback, compliance with trade rules and many others. That’s why Tmall prices are much higher than Taobo prices. But they offer various discounts and stocks often when you can buy a good thing at a very attractive price.And our third provider is 1688.com. It is a small-wholesale branch of Alibaba, which is the owner of Taobao and Tmall. Since the online store is oriented towards wholesale purchases, goods price depends on its quantity. The more items of the product you order, the lower is its price. This is the main advantage of 1688.Although there is a retail sale for some products. They also have very good prices. And that’s because by buying at 1688, you work directly with Chinese manufacturers, so it’s much more profitable than buying at other Chinese market places. It is very common that sellers from Taobao or Aliexpress order goods from 1688 and then resell them with their mark-up.People who don’t live in China have a hard enough time buying from these online stores. All information is available in Chinese only, prices are in yuan, and there are questions with international delivery. In addition, Alibaba closed its online shopping to unregistered users.But you can find and buy any goods from Taobao in our online shop. All descriptions, characteristics and prices of goods are available in an accessible manner to the buyers. In your native language and currency. We will also deliver your goods as soon as possible.Enjoy your shopping!
07.02.2025Any goods can be moved across the customs border except prohibited ones.Sensitive / Prohibited Goodsweapons and weapons of all kinds of military models and ammunition;explosives, potent poisons;hazardous waste;special technical means intended for secret information obtaining;narcotic and psychotropic substances, as well as devices for their use;human organs and (or) tissues, blood and its components;works of art and antiquities, antiques and objects of significant artistic, historical or cultural value;works of print and media that undermine the moral of population;other items whose import (export) is prohibited in accordance with the law.GOODS PROHIBITED FOR IMPORTING BY ANY WAY:ozone-depleting substances;Plant protection products falling within the scope of Annexes A and B of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants of May,22, 2001;implements (catch) of aquatic biological resources;ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products with a total volume of more than 5 liters per person over the age of 18;more than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of tobacco, or these products in a set with a total weight of more than 250 grams per person over 18 years of age.GOODS PROHIBITED TO IMPORT AT INTERNATIONAL MAILS (other than those listed above):alcoholic beverages, ethyl alcohol, beer;any kind of tobacco products and smoking mixtures;any types of weapons (their parts), cartridges for them (their parts), structurally similar to civilian and official weapons products;radioactive materials;cultural values;goods subject to quick spoilage;live animals, with the exception of bees, leeches, silkworms;plants in any form and condition, plant seeds;precious stones in any form and condition, natural diamonds, with the exception of jewelry;narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, including in the form of drugs;other goods prohibited for shipment in accordance with acts of the Universal Postal Union and the customs legislation of the customs union.Be attentive when ordering goods!